
11 Apr 2024
NOVAX Ventures into "Low-Temperature Catalytic Pyrolysis" to Address Thermosetting Plastics Recycling

Photo Caption: Participants of the "Low-Temperature Catalytic Pyrolysis Launching Ceremony" from left to right: Bruce Lee, Vice General Manager of REMAX Technology Co., Andy Chen, CEO of Australia REMAX Company, Nicholas Yang, Chairman of NOVAX Material & Technology Inc., Seiko Chen, Director of Phoenix Battery Co., Liang-Jung Chien, Professor from Ming Chi University of Technology, and Frank Tsai, former Director of Phoenix Battery Co. ( Photo Credit: NOVAX Material & Technology Inc.)
With the relentless rise of global plastic pollution, humans are facing increasingly serious environmental threats. Predictions suggest that by 2060, the world's plastic waste production could soar to a staggering one billion metric tons, with less than 10 percent being recycled.
Responding to this urgent crisis, a landmark resolution was adopted in March 2022 at the UN Environment Assembly, paving the way for the development of an international legally binding instrument to combat plastic pollution. This treaty marks the most significant global environmental agreement since the Paris Agreement. Presently, the United Nations Environment Assembly has unveiled the "Zero Draft" of the "Global Plastics Treaty," setting 2040 as the final target year. The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution is scheduled to take place from 25th November to 1st December 2024 in Busan, Republic of Korea.
Among the various types of plastic waste, only thermoplastics can be effectively recycled. In contrast, thermosetting plastics, such as insulated switchgear, relays, FRP, and wind turbine blades, pose a recycling challenge and are often crushed and buried.
To confront this pressing issue, NOVAX Material & Technology Inc. has ventured into the realm of thermosetting plastics processing. Recently, NOVAX Material & Technology hosted the "Low-Temperature Catalytic Pyrolysis Launching Ceremony" to announce the breakthrough achievements of this pioneering technology.
At the ceremony, Nicholas Yang, Chairman of NOVAX Material & Technology, was joined by partners including Bruce Lee, Vice General Manager of REMAX Technology Co., Andy Chen, CEO of Australia REMAX Company, Seiko Chen, Director of Phoenix Battery Co., Frank Tsai, former Director of Phoenix Battery Co., and Liang-Jung Chien, Professor from Ming Chi University of Technology. They engaged in insightful discussions of this new technique for approximately two hours.
This innovative approach harnesses low-temperature catalytic pyrolysis to reduce energy consumption and align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. By converting thermosetting plastics back into pyrolysis oil, it offers a promising solution to the environmental impact of plastic pollution.
Committed to producing eco-friendly green products, NOVAX Material & Technology fosters industry-academia collaboration to deliver optimal solutions for our customers and partners. Our focus on smart manufacturing, environmental sustainability, and the circular economy positions us at the forefront of innovation. While we are rooted in Taiwan, our sights are set on the global market.
This innovative technology will bring new solutions to the plastic pollution problem, and create a better future for generations to come.